Subj: UPDATE: Transport Tycoon Date: March 31, 1995 From: MicroProse AUTHOR: MicroProse EQUIPMENT: IBM and Compatibles NEEDS: Transport Tycoon Note: This update is a replacement for an previously posted Transport Tycoon update. This new update corrects reported incompatibilities with ATI brand video cards. If you have already downloaded the update and have not experienced any problems, you probably do not need this new file. This is a update file for Transport Tycoon. This update corrects reported problems (video incompatibilities, memory related crashes, train logic, null-modem play, etc). To update, just copy the file TYCOON.EXE to your Transport Tycoon directory on your hard-drive (usually C:\MPS\TRANS). The new TYCOON.EXE will replace the old file. Start the game as usual.